
python two snakes logoPython
C++ LogoC++
JS LogoJavaScript
TS LogoTypeScript

Web Frameworks

react light blue atoms logoReact
Svelte LogoSvelte
Flask LogoFlask icon by Icons8


PyTorch, Pandas, NumPy, OpenCV, Selenium


github whitelinkedin in logo

About Me

I am currently a senior studying computer science with a minor in music at the University of Michigan. I graduate in May of 2025 and am seeking full time employment as early as mid-August 2025. I am passionate about software engineering and am excited to have the opportunity to contribute to a team and hone my development skills. My primary areas of interest are full-stack development, computer vision applications, backend and API development, and machine learning.

Outside of class I serve as the sponsorship lead for MHacks which is the premier student-run hackathon organization at Michigan. I also play euphonium in both the Michigan Marching Band and the University Band. These experiences have led me to developing excellent interpersonal communication skills as well as time management skills and the ability to self-start and learn independently.

My Goals

I have three main goals for my software engineering career:
  1. 1. Contribute meaningfully to open-source software that benefits a community I'm passionate about.
  2. 2. Develop deep and lasting relationships with my coworkers.
  3. 3. Become a manager that oversees product development and coordinates several different subteams.

About the Site

I wrote this site using the Next.js framework for React with TypeScript. The site is deployed to a domain I own using Vercel. I built this site for two primary reasons: learning how to use Next.js and developing my web development skills, and showcasing my personal brand and giving myself a platform to build upon for the future in an effort to inspire me to develop more often in my free time.

I have two core concepts guiding my site design: a black, white, and gray color scheme, and a minimalistic yet slightly future-retro UI. I will always continue to update this site and continue to perfect the UI so feel free to check back in the future and see how it has grown!

Contact Me

For business-related inquiries please contact my personal email: westmike AT For comments, questions, or concerns regarding this site or any of my posted projects or posts, please contact the primary email for this site: michael AT I will do my best to respond to all legitimate inquiries within a timely manner. Thank you!